Chapter 19a. Luxury Villa Rental Agencies (Primary Network Opportunity)
Now for the product itself, the Primary Network bundled solution: 9 gorgeous agency websites
(50% of which will eventually be owned by key staff and directors), a mandates initiative that can provide over 50 mandates opportunities per year, and the 81 TBS™ systems.

Chapter 19b. Luxury Villa Rental Agencies – Scenario 7 – Phase 1
Scenario 7 is a financial forecast with over 1000 variables. For each variable, we either use real world values from our 15 years’ experience in the field; lowball estimates for theoretical income or a higher than expected cost for theoretical expenses. Always seeking to under estimate and over deliver. For instance, in phase 1 (which we wish to complete by 2019) we cautiously estimate only 6 mandates from the 50 opportunities, whereas in reality we should expect about 25.
Phase 1 is to make R10million / $750,000 in commission (Gross Profit) within a year, we desire to achieve this in 2018. However, because phase 1 is all about getting to phase 2, we recommend all of the 25% profit that is forecasted be used as profit share incentives and for prestige marketing.

Chapter 19c. Scenario 7 – Phase 2
Phase 2 continues the under promise over deliver formula of phase 1, and adds only 6 mandates a year to create 12 mandates by the end of 2019. This, plus the 9 agency websites and the TBS™ software, plus the human power of the 8 or more directors who own equity in the agency websites pushing as hard as they can to unlock their potential; creates an extremely prestigious primary network that at the latest count generates R14million / $1.1million discretionary cash flow. Fifty percent of which returns $550,000 to the primary network investors each year. This includes all pre-corporation-tax expenses including the ongoing +/- 2.5% of turnover development contribution, which Villa Secrets Ltd. receives.